Picture Gallery

Beautiful Gardens starts with Quality Soils and Landscape Supplies!

Enjoy browsing pictures of beautiful gardens, beautiful yards and outdoor spaces designed by professional and do-it-yourself home owners, using quality products from SALISBURY GARDEN SUPPLIES.

Landscapes using Products from SALISBURY GARDEN SUPPLIES

Some of our PRODUCTS ...


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    Landscape Maintenance

    A healthy, well designed and maintained landscape can save you money and is important to our communities, lifestyles and environment.

    Well designed and maintained landscapes can add as much as 15% to the re-sale value of homes, and properly placed trees and shrubs can lower heating and cooling costs by as much as 20% annually, while improving air and water quality.

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    DID YOU KNOW THAT: - Our trees also removes air pollutants such as OZONE, Carbon Monoxide & sulphur dioxide produced from all the cars and industries around us?

    Our landscapes have profound effect on the following medical outcome; - Pain Reduction - Sleep/rest/recovery. Our Heating & Cooling cost in our buildings could be up to 25% higher if it were not for our surrounding landscapes!

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    DID YOU KNOW THAT: - an average home lawn of 2500 sq. ft. grass absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release enough oxygen for approximately 4 people to breathe daily? Established turfgrass cools the atmosphere by reflecting as much as 50% of the sun's heat, and can reduce noise by as much as 30%.

    You can have a thick and healthy sea of green without polluting water, harming wildlife, and endangering the health of your family and pets, using quality sods and seeds from Salisbury.