Master Gardeners of Ontario
Master Gardeners of Ontario is a volunteer organization comprised of individuals who are certified horticultural experts providing in depth sustainable gardening information to the general public.
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Have you ever had a burning question during a landscape project, but had nowhere to turn for an answer? Where is it best to put that flower bed or cabana? Dave is here to help.
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Landscape Ontario
When you decide to landscape your property, you are really making an investment. Landscape Ontario can help you select the right companies to protect your investment. !
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Guelph Turfgrass Institute
Looking for information on Home Lawns and turf grass in Canada? Advice about mowing, fertility, overseeding, irrigation, thatch control, & integrated pest, weed, disease, & insect management.
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Weeds Library
National Gardening Association have chosen weeds common in gardens, lawns, and landscapes and provided the essential information you need for identifying and managing them
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Landscape Plants
Trying to identify a woody plant? This site contains Information, Identification and images on over 1,700 trees & shrubs. look up plants by common name or Latin name,.
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Need information about your favorite flowers or a particular plant? Below is a list of lawn and gardening articles and links that we have found helpful. If you have a question or problem that is not addressed by these websites, please be encouraged to email us at

Canadian Poisonous Plants

Compost Council of Canada

Ask The Experts

Gardening KIDS

 Savvy Gardening

Growing Flowers & Veggies

Gardener's Dictionary

Plant Name Finder

Living 'GREEN'

'GREEN' Cities

Global Footprint Network

Spring Application
Do You Know,